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Learn, Train, Overcome



CEO/ Chief Instructor

Team: Our Team

Meet Mr. Jaime Jordan: a seasoned security expert whose dedication and expertise have established him as a leading figure in firearms instruction. Mr. Jordan's journey into the realm of security and firearms training is underpinned by a distinguished career as a federal agent with the Department of Homeland Security, where he honed his skills to perfection. This period of service not only provided him with profound insights into security protocols but also allowed him to emerge as an expert shooter, a title he carries with pride.

With a commendable 14 years of instructional experience, Mr. Jordan brings a depth of knowledge to his teaching that is both rare and invaluable. He is not just an instructor; he is a mentor, certified across a spectrum of NRA disciplines, including pistol, rifle, shotgun, and the critical areas of personal protection both inside and outside the home. His credentials extend further to being a Chief Range Safety Officer and a Taser Trainer, showcasing a broad competence in various aspects of firearms and safety training.

Moreover, Mr. Jordan's qualifications include prestigious certifications as a Department of Public Safety firearms instructor and a security guard trainer, adding layers to his already impressive portfolio. Notably, he also holds the executive protection certification from PSOC, marking him as a specialist in protective services.

Mr. Jordan's commitment to excellence is not just about imparting skills but fostering a culture of responsible and informed firearms use. His training sessions are more than just classes; they are comprehensive learning experiences designed to elevate the capabilities of each participant. Whether you're a novice aiming to learn the basics or a professional seeking to enhance your skill set, Mr. Jordan's training programs are tailored to help you achieve your firearms proficiency goals with precision and confidence.

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